Captain Toy/Michael's Review of the Week

Review of Hellboy - One:12 Collective
Action Figure

Mezco Toyz
Date Published: 2020-11-23
Written By: Michael Crawford
Overall Average Rating: 3.5 out of 4

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Hellboy One:12 Collective action figure by Mezco

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Can I tell you a secret? I've never watched the new (2019) Hellboy. I love me some comic Hellboy. I love me some Guillermo Hellboy. I have a metric ton of Hellboy figures based on both. But the new film left me uninterested, and I've never found the time to check it out.

But when Mezco announced a One:12 Collective Hellboy based on the film, it was an immediate pre-order for me. Again, love the character. It also helps that I love One:12 figures, no matter what license. And the very best Hellboy figures in my collection are all from Mezco. It was a no brainer.

After a long wait, he just started shipping. He originally cost $80, and you should be able to find the pre-order still available at some spots for that price.

Hellboy One:12 Collective action figure by Mezco

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Packaging - ***1/2
Mezco sticks with a simple design, using pretty standard Hellboy graphics. The interior tray works well, holding the figure and accessories all in a collector friendly manner. The outer box is sturdy, and should hold up to shelf wear/storage.

Hellboy One:12 Collective action figure by Mezco

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Sculpting - ****
As with every One:12 figure, there's more than one portrait - two, to be exact. One is a stern look, while the other is a bit angrier, with gritted teeth. Both are based on the new movie of course, but at this scale the differences are a little less glaring. Still, fans of the original look may not be able to get past this new design.

Both portraits have plenty of detail work, with nice stranding in the hair, appropriate skin texture and a realistic bone texture to the amputated horns.  The work on the chest and arms is equally nice, with scarring and skin texture that is super life-like.

The right hand of doom looks great, and there are several differently posed hands for it. This guy is pretty big, coming in at 6 3/4" tall, but fitting in great with the rest of the series.

Hellboy One:12 Collective action figure by Mezco

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Paint - ***1/2
The quality of the paint work is excellent, with no slop anywhere. Small details like the eyes, teeth, and horns are immaculate, which is particularly impressive at this scale.

There is a slight variation between the body and heads, more noticeable in photos than in hand. The faces are a little darker than the body, with a slightly glossier finish. Again, in hand it's almost impossible to notice, but in macro photos you may see it. I think the variation in finish is what creates the difference.

Hellboy One:12 Collective action figure by Mezco

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Articulation - ***1/2
The muscular body is nicely articulated, with all the usual joints.  The neck allows for good tilt and lean, and you can use it to add some attitude to any pose.

The shoulders and wrists work great, but the elbows are limited. The muscled arms does restrict them a bit, but you should be able to get some reasonably natural poses.

The hips, knees, and ankles work great, and the two piece boots allow for plenty of rocker movement.  The torso rolls, leans, and turns too, breaking up those straight lines.

The coat includes a wire along the bottom, and you can add some dynamic movement to any stance by using them. And let's not forget the tail! It's made from a bendy rubber with a wire through the center, so you can adjust it to your liking.

Hellboy One:12 Collective action figure by Mezco

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Accessories - ***1/2
I already mentioned the two heads - that's a huge boost to this score every time. The heads swap easily as well.

There's four sets of hands, from fists to grips to wide grips. These swap easily as well, and work with a lot of different poses.  The gun grip left is perfect for either gun.

The redesigned Samaritan is included of course, as is a second that is more similar to the original design. The barrel is a bit longer, but at least it's a revolver with a wood grain grip.  This latter gun fits perfectly in a case, along with several bullets. Either gun fits in the holster on his belt as well.

Speaking of the case, it's pretty sweet. It has a wood grain look, and includes the logo on the outside.

There's a horseshoe as well, and I don't know if that's a feature of the new character or simply included as an homage to the original.

Finally, there's the base, with the logo and either a small foot peg or the larger clear plastic support rod.

Hellboy One:12 Collective action figure by Mezco

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Hellboy One:12 Collective action figure by Mezco

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Outfit - ****
The outfit includes the belts, pants, boots, and coat.

The boot sculpt is really nice, and I mentioned earlier how the two piece design worked quite well. The belts have all kinds of goodies, with very intricate and detailed sculpts. The holster holds either gun, with no worries about damage.

The pants are my favorite aspect of the redesign. Rather than leather, these are a black jean material. No fears of flaking or damage over time. The fit is great, but that's no surprise.

The tailoring is excellent on the coat as well. The suede-like collar is properly scaled, the wire works great for posing the bottom edge, and it hangs off his shoulders very naturally. While you can take off the coat, he looks far better in it, always a sign of a great costume piece.

Hellboy One:12 Collective action figure by Mezco

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Fun Factor - ****
With some great accessories and some nice posing potential, this guy is a lot of fun. He should fit in nicely with some past 6 - 8" characters as well, and I look forward to coming up with some fun display ideas.

Hellboy One:12 Collective action figure by Mezco

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Value - **1/2
This pre-order was a long time ago, and the $80 price tag is a bit cheaper than some of the more recent releases. I think it's about the right spot for these guys, particularly when there's no light or sound features.

Hellboy One:12 Collective action figure by Mezco

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Things to Watch Out For -
Not a thing. Everything was sturdy, and I had no worries about breakage or damage.

Overall - ***1/2
There's been a ton of great Hellboy merchandise produced over the years, much of it by Mezco. I'm happy to say this figure can stand proudly with any of them in terms of quality. I'm particularly happy I picked him up, even without watching the movie.

But fans who didn't like the redesign will clearly be less pleased. Still, if you can get passed the "this ain't my Hellboy", you'll be very happy with the final result. And remember, we have a second One:12 Hellboy coming this winter! The previews exclusive Anung Un Rama version should be shipping soon.

Score Recap (out of ****):
Packaging - ***1/2
Sculpting - ****
Paint - ***1/2
Articulation - ***1/2
Accessories - ***1/2
Outfit - ****
Fun Factor - ****
Value - **1/2
Overall - ***1/2

Hellboy One:12 Collective action figure by Mezco

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Where to Buy 
Online options include these site sponsors:

- has him for $80.

- Entertainment Earth is also at $80.

- or you can search ebay for a deal.

Related Links -
I've looked at a ton of Hellboy stuff over the years. Highlights include the Samaritan replica, the Hot Toys Hellboy, the 18" Comic Hellboy, and the Sideshow Premium Format Hellboy.

You should also hit the Search Reviews page, in case any other applicable reviews were done after this one was published.

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Hellboy One:12 Collective action figure by Mezco

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This product was purchased for the review by the reviewer. Photos and text by Michael Crawford.

This page copyright 2000 - 2020, Michael Crawford. All rights reserved.